Welcome all of you exceptional beings! Allow me to introduce myself and explain the intention behind this blog. My name is Tara. I adore penguins. I love polka-dots, hearts and the colors purple & red. I follow Ohio State football-GO BUCKS! Ancient Egypt captivates me, and books and music keep me entertained. I was married (in what seems like a previous life), which gifted me two wonderful sons who are now grown. I like to find humor in everything – when everything seems so wrong that all I want to do is cry, I choose to laugh instead.
So why did I decide to start a blog and what is the point? Basically, I took the (what do you call it – tagline? slogan?) of my church-“See What Can God Do Through You”- as a challenge and I accepted. My response to this challenge would not look like anyone else’s but was specifically designed for me. God’s will for my life, His purpose for me, does not look like anyone else’s because it is mine and mine alone. I did not go to seminary. I am not a Bible scholar (although I am working on it). I do not have any great talents such as music, art, etc. I am not built for the mission field. I cannot do anything that involves any kind of coordination.
Oh yeah, I should add that I was diagnosed with a genetic, physically debilitating, life-shortening, degenerative neuro-muscular disorder which has left me a full-time user of a wheelchair. Luckily, the condition does not touch intellectual capacity. I refuse to let the diagnosis define me. It might limit what I can do physically, but I can still serve God. But the question remained, what could I do to serve Him?
The answer I came up with was sharing my story. Not so people can say, “Wow, look at what you overcame”, but so they can say, “Wow, look at what you overcame with God!” Unfortunately, slurred speech is something I deal with so being a speaker or a podcaster are not options. I can type, not quickly but I can do it. So, writing? I am not a particularly good writer. I do not especially enjoy writing. But, I have so many thoughts and feelings that I would like to share. So, between creating content on Instagram and trying this blog thing, I hope to show my joy in Jesus! This will not be a blog about being physically disabled but about what God can do through anyone. I am a person who has learned to live in victory despite the curve balls life has thrown at me, thanks to Jesus. If just one person can be encouraged or comforted through anything I share, this venture will have been a success!
What is the meaning behind the name From Exception to Exceptional, you ask? Well, all my life I felt like I was the exception to every rule-from advice in books to promises of God. I was the queen of buts. My “but I can’t” turned into “but with God, I can”. What changed? I started prioritizing my relationship with Christ and my eyes were opened. The identity in Christ that I always heard about was also mine. I was not the exception, this identity was for me. One day it just hit me – every time the Bible says ALL, I was included. I am beautiful. I am wonderfully made. I am a masterpiece. I am loved. I went from viewing myself as an exception to everything to viewing myself as God saw me – EXCEPTIONAL!